Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my website. I’m a fangirling music and entertainment lover who also likes to write.

I’m not sure where or when I realised I had a passion for writing, some might say during college as I ended up heading to university to study English but I’m not 100% certain that’s the moment.

Either way, at some point the lightbulb appeared, I had my a-ha moment (not the comic strip take on me one unfortunately) but it happened and here I am.

My written pieces do lay mostly within the realms of the entertainment world of music, arts and culture, but I’m always open to broadening my horizons and expanding my abilities into other areas and new areas of interest to write about and explore.

This website is a place for me to collate the writing I’ve done past and present and also somewhere for me to post my own musings and ramblings as I go forward and I would like to share my thoughts with you lovely people taking the time to pay this site a visit.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the little part of my world and fingers crossed you like my work too.

If you do like what I’m sharing then feel free to reach out to me on social media or email me at [email protected]