Week 4 and it’s week 3’s untucked to start with. Our queens congratulate Scarlet on her win and then find out who Tia would have sent home which was also Jonbers Blonde and it’s a gag-worthy moment from Tia.
Now onto this week and it’s the big one, it’s SNATCH GAME and this week it’s a family thing as our queens are split into two teams – Team Sinitta and Team Jane McDonald.
As the previous winner, Scarlet Envy got to choose her team and she picked Hannah Conda, Choriza May and Tia Kofi and that leaves them with our second family of LGD, Keta, Gothy, and Marina.
We have Scarlet Envy as the Statue of Liberty
Tia Kofi as Anne Boleyn
Choriza May as Catherine of Aragon
Hannah Conda as Shirley Temple
La Grande Dame as Carla Bruni (supermodel)
Marina Summers as Manny Pacquiao (boxer)
Keta Minaj as Fran Drescher (The Nanny)
Gothy Kendall as Kim Woodburn (Queen of Clean)
Everyone is ready to go, it’s time to check our snatches. Starting, Team Mcdonald and LGD may have to warm up to things a little, Gothy has the voice but maybe not the confidence yet, Keta has the voice so will see how she gets on, and Manny has an interesting start.
Team Sinitta is here, Hannah looks set to do well, Scarlet has an early good start, Choriza also looking good off the blocks, and Tia is also set to do well.
So let’s see how things go. Starting out LGD is a bit meh, Gothy could do well she just needs confidence, Keta is struggling, and Manny has some jokes but a little meh.
Hannah is nailing her character, Scarlet is seemingly struggling a little bit, Choriza went from confusion to hilarious in a split, and Tia is also doing very well.
Back to the McDonald’s and LGD is struggling most of the team seems to be having a pretty rough time making things work it’s all a little stilted and awkward.
The Sinitta family really are doing pretty well in terms of their characters and getting things out there, although all of the queens are strong Hannah has played an absolute blinder and is an early winner for this week’s episode after Snatch Game.
Werk room chat turned to dating this week as we found out Keta has been single for 4/5 years looking for something serious and LGD is also a relationship kinda lady but not shutting the door on the fun. Marina opened up that she’s never had a partner which is nice to see people opening up. Hannah Conda announced she’s got a man and even better he’s a northerner from Geordie land. Gothy shared that she’s on a journey to truly understand herself before sharing herself with someone else.
Runway day time and this week’s theme is Gone Cruisin’ so ahoy sailors let’s see what you’ve got.
Keta Minaj became the boat as she became a pirate ship, literally with a mixture of blues and browns, and a little gold for good measure she looks fabulous. Choriza came out as a triple-breasted woman with all of the tentacles and she is living for latex. LGD is giving sailor, Jean Paul Gaultier and hallucination twirls with her skirt.
Scarlet envy is deep sea dead realness, she’s taking on Rose if Jack was on the door. Gothy is back in pastel with a plain body suit adorned with clam hips, and clam breasts, a little safe but beautiful. Hannah is a vision in white bringing lace curtains to the runway, she looks stunning as a Victorian lady. Tia Kofi went for the black kracken bringing PVC from head to toe and adding some tentacles for super suction. Marina Summers is a metal mothertucker with water-filled boobies, rope hair, and an anchor at the end to keep her docked in the competition.
Choriza and Marina were our safe sisters this week, joined by Scarlet Envy and La Grande Dame after critiques.
Our top two were unsurprisingly Hannah Conda and also Tia Kofi again. Our bottom two this week were Keta Minaj again, and Gothy Kendoll.
Lip sync time and holy moly the outfits on our winners are stunning and they are performing Crying at the Discoteque by Alcazar. No fancy tricks and flicks this week just a good old-fashioned performance from the girls and it’s going to be a hard choice for Ru.
But a decision was made and Anne Boleyn may not have a head but she does have a golden Ru Peter badge as Tia Kofi claims the win this week.
Tia’s decision wasn’t an easy one but in the end, after two weeks in the bottom two Keta Minaj went home as Tia gave Gothy an extra chance to light the fire she desperately needed under her backside, hopefully, Gothy appreciated the opportunity and takes it.
Just like that, another week is over and we look forward to what’s next.